Pebble Creek's Newest Listing – Already SOLD

Tonight I’d planned on blogging about a great new listing I just picked up over the weekend, but before I even had the chance, it’s sold!  I knew it’d be a quick one, but it’s always a surprise when you sell a home in just 3 days. Created with Admarket’s flickrSLiDR. We had 2 couples […]


Well, if you’ve noticed my lack of posts lately, you’ve probably wondered if I fell into a pit somewhere.  Actually, that’s exactly what happened.  I fell into the same pit that so many of my clients do.  Yep, you guessed it… I moved. I’ve spend the past week or so in moving hell, and it’s […]

Mortgage Update from Cody McCollom

As rapidly as things are moving and changing in the mortgage industry, I’m relying heavily on my trusted mortgage advisors these days; moreso than in months past, simply because keeping up with the changes truly is a full-time job and, obviously, my full-time job is selling homes, not mortgages. I recently got an update from Cody […]

Edmond Neighborhood Information – New Feature!

I’m always looking for ways to offer more value to my clients, and technology is usually the best way I find to do it.  Sometimes it’s as simple as adding something to our Edmond real estate website that will help you find what you need more easily. Yes, our website’s a constant work in progress.  A […]

Going, Going, Gone

“Going, Going, Gone” is the tune to new regulations set forth by the mortgage industry. As of the end of March 2008, mortgage insurance companies have changed their standards for insuring conventional loans.  They will no longer insure loans over 97% Loan To Value and many are making changes to their acceptable Debt Ratio requirements. For the […]

Edmond Home Buyers – Better to Rent or Buy?

Yep, it’s pretty much an age-old question that’s asked all the time.  Why should I buy a home instead of renting? After several years in this business, and owning a few homes of my own, I’ve got all kinds of examples of why it’s better for most people to own, rather than to rent.  You’ll […]

Should I Keep My Closing Documents?

When you close on a home, you get a wonderful gift at the closing table.  A big fat folder full of documents that most people don’t understand and, frankly, don’t want to understand. The question often comes up, ‘what do I do with these’ or ‘do I have to keep these somewhere safe?’  Sounds familiar […]

TIME Magazine Gets it Right!!

You know me, I’m always looking for new ways to explain the whys & why-nots of real estate, and at times it gets just plain tiring.  Sometimes, the tiring part comes from trying to put together an illustration that’s easy to understand and makes sense.  Other times it comes from watching folks trying so hard to time […]

You'll Get a DEAL If You Buy Without an Agent!

Yep, it’s true.  You’ll get a deal if you just go it alone.  Why hire an agent to represent you?  What could possibly go wrong?  After all, they’re just overpaid taxicab drivers anyway! Check out this blog to see what I’m talking about. You see, it’s true.  You’ll get a DEAL!  Question is, what kind of deal?  […]

Oklahoma Tornadoes – Fear Them?

There’s one topic that always seems to be hot in the minds of anyone looking to move to Oklahoma.  Maybe it starts when we’re kids, watching the classic ‘Wizard of Oz‘ or maybe it’s the images on the news, and the unknown that fosters the fear.  Whatever the cause, it seems that almost every buyer I’ve ever […]