Big League City Time – Get Out and Vote!

Probably one of the largest local public-interest propositions put before us in quite some time comes before voters in just under a week, and I want to encourage everyone to get out and USE YOUR VOTE!  Make your opinion heard and make a difference.

One of the biggest mistakes people make is not being actively involved in our political process, and it’s an absolute shame.  We have the freedom to be heard and make a difference in major decisions and, many times, simply don’t take the time to exercise that freedom.  I know, I know, you’re busy and that would take time out of your day.  You might miss a few minutes of your favorite TV show, or it might cause you to get to bed 20 minutes later than you’d like.Here’s a fact:  WE’RE ALL BUSY!  If everyone thought they were too busy to go vote, then who would make these decisions for us?  Do you really want to know?  My opinion; if you won’t take the time out to go vote, then you have absolutely no right to complain about the way the government runs things, PERIOD.OK, I’ll get off my soapbox about our American duty, freedom, liberty, etc.  Instead, let’s look at what this ‘BIG LEAGUE CITY’ thing is all about:

  • This proposition will not raise taxes from where they are now.  It will simply extend the one penny sales tax that’s currently supporting the Maps For Kids projects around the city.  This tax will be extended for either 12 or 15 months, depending on the decision made by the NBA Board of Governors in April of 08.
  • The planned Ford Center improvements include the addition of restaurants, clubs, concession areas, suites and sky boxes, rooftop gardens, a warm-up basketball court, team offices and a 12,000-square-foot family fun zone.
  • The addition of an NBA team would make an enormous impact on Oklahoma City’s (and surrounding areas’) local economy.  While the Hornets were here in OKC, they created over 200 jobs, and brought in over $130 million to our economy.
  • Having a world-class facility, such as what is being proposed, would boost our ability to attract larger events, which not only bring additional boost to our economy, but also give OKC a larger national stage from which to grow.

OK, so I’m sure you can tell by my outline above, that I am a supporter of this proposition.  There are facts stated, as well as predictions of what would come as a result of this legislation being passed.

I have no problem continuing to pay a one penny sales tax (that I’m already accustomed to paying) to continue with the positive impact that this tax has already made on our local scene.  The MAPS project and the Maps For Kids project have been a huge success, and I want to see our city grow even more.  Can anyone argue the amazing things that came of the Bricktown area as a result of us, as a city, deciding to pony up a big ole penny?!

Having seen that, how could you not want to see it taken a step further?  Having witnessed the support that our city showed for the Hornets, and the positive things that team did within our community, how could you be opposed to doing everything possible to put our city in a position to have such an organization call OKC their home?

If you want more information to help clarify things, check out these sites:

Now, if you’re opposed to this proposition, please let me know why.  And whether your for or against, PLEASE GET OUT AND VOTE NEXT TUESDAY!

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Ryan Hukill About Ryan Hukill

I'm the founder and creative Firestarter behind the ShowMeOKC Team. I love this great city and all that's going on here, and really love showing it off and helping to break the age-old stereotypes.

I married up, am Dad to 5, friend to many, motorcycle-junkie, traveler, camper, jeeper, OU & OKC Thunder fanatic, and love a great steak, a great cup of coffee, and great techie things.


  1. […] you need info on the issue at hand, go back and read my recent post about the proposition being voted on.  Have a great […]