Last week the ShowMeOKC Team spent a day at Agent Reboot, a conference put on by Inman News which helps real estate agents around the country get up to date on new technologies and marketing strategies. I’m not exaggerating when I say that it had something for everyone.
For people still finding themselves occasionally lost with new technologies (like me), there were a multitude of presentations that brought me up to speed quickly and concisely…not to mention with a bit of flare. Katie Lance, Social Media Director, did a presentation entitled “I Suck At Twitter…Please Help Me!”, and I am now on my way to being a Tweeting Pro!
There were also plenty of presentations for the more technologically savvy people, AKA tech geeks (that is a compliment, Ryan). Agent Reboot taught tips for building a better website, using video content, and demonstrated multiple helpful apps to aid you. I highly recommend Agent Reboot to anyone interested in the real estate business; your clients will thank you!
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